Loukas N. Kazamias


The Olympics will at last be coming back home, to their birthplace. The first Olympic games were recorded as being held in 756 BC in Ancient Olympia, Greece. The Olympics are a part of the great Hellenic heritage and the opening of the Athens 2004 Olympic games on August 13th will be a monumental time.

Costs and Commercial Governance

The Athens 2004 Olympics will be a far cry from the ancient Olympics. If the ancient Hellenes are looking down, they will be shocked to learn that Greece is spending billions on the security of the 17-day games. Securing the games will be some 70,000 specialist security personnel, assisted by sophisticated security systems. The overall costs to Greece from hosting the Olympics are expected to reach $10 billion.

The Olympics will be Greece's showcase for just over two weeks, and if its promotional strategy is well toned, then much can be attained in the social, economic and political sphere, as world attention will be very much focused on Greece. This is a massive investment for holding a 17-day showcase; thus, Greece will need to re-enforce its commercial strategy for the games themselves, as well as -- just as importantly -- the
"day after strategy", with a focus on engineering this investment to its full potential. Greece can use the Olympic project to show that it can hold both successful games and ones that are also commercially beneficial for the nation. The Olympic project can be the benchmark standard that will give Greece new impetus of international opportunities through its viable Commercial Governance.

Insuring against Natural Disasters

The insurance of Athens and other major cities and infrastructure against possible natural disasters has been deemed necessary. For the first time in its history, the International Olympic Committee obtained $100 million in insurance coverage in case the Athens Olympics are cancelled for any reason. This should not preclude countries from attaining insurance coverage for their major cities and infrastructures, which can eventually extent to other parts of the country.

Let the Olympic flame be the light of true global enrichment, in memory and in recognition to the Gods that made the games possible. By inheritance and tradition, Modern Greece, will be striving to make the Athens 2004 Olympics synonymous with the inherent ideals envisaged by their creators.

Such insurance need not be in the form of payments of astronomical sums of money or unavailable premiums, but can be negotiated with potential insurers on a possible barter basis, giving Greece a pivotal role in its macro risk management against natural disasters.

The floods in mainland Europe in 2002, should be a reminder to others. They caused billions of dollars in damages and -- had they lasted longer -- could well have financially ruined some of these countries. None had collective insurance coverage, even for their basic infrastructure, from natural disasters.

Greece will need to make full use of its resources both locally and overseas to make its commercial governance a model to other countries and thus fulfil the dreams of their ancient forefathers who taught that "knowledge is power", bestowing these so generously, both in volume and quality, to future generations.

More Bondage with Overseas Hellenes

The bond of homeland Greece and Cyprus with overseas Hellenes is of principal importance to all concerned. The homeland Hellenes can learn from the knowledge and experiences of some of its overseas Hellenes. In the USA, the Hellenic Americans have made positive contributions towards the economic and political might of the USA. Making full usage of their homeland and overseas resources will provide for a brighter future as well as complement the past teachings of the ancient forefathers.

Ancient Hellene Teachings tie up the brotherhood of the Hellene and Global Family

The Ancient Hellenes preached that a healthy body through the exercise of sport makes for a healthy mind. Such teachings have been passed down on the social front, embodying the brotherhood of Hellenes at every level, starting with family and relatives, later moving to friends and much later embodying the entire brotherhood of Hellenes. It therefore follows that the ideals of the Olympics and Ancient Hellene democratic teachings, where these are applied on the micro and macro level, best integrates the international community as the brotherhood of the Global Family, which ultimately allows for their own and country's optimum exploration of their resources. That is the ultimate purpose of our living existence and positive experiences within democratic environments.

Gratitude to the Hellene “Gods” of Knowledge

As the Athens 2004 Olympics approach, one cannot omit from their memories the gratitude owed to the great ancient Hellenes, some of whom were truly “Gods” of Knowledge, who not only gave this marvellous global sporting spectacle the Olympics, which is enjoyed by billions of people and along with their unparalleled teachings, provided further “international integration” that surpasses any monetary consideration for such priceless gifts. The international community, thus if only by social debt, owes a debt of gratitude, by showing more due respect to Greece, overseas Hellenes and basic human rights to the Hellene Cypriot people.

Athens 2004 will be Striving for Inheritance and Tradition

The Olympics is a sport that unites people, which symbolises the great wealth and diverse culture of the Ancient Hellenes, that today help to enrich our lives, where these are applied.

Let the Olympic flame be the light of true global enrichment, in memory and in recognition to the “Gods” that made the Games possible. By inheritance and tradition, Modern Greece, will be striving to make the Athens 2004 Olympics synonymous with the inherent ideals envisaged by their creators.

Although the Olympics have become a massive global organisation and a business, its modern development, mostly from outside sources, is but a small part of the Hellenic inheritance and culture, which has immense and deeply set roots. The passing down of the relay button of knowledge, like the Olympics ideals, will help enrich the future lives of others around the world, much in the vision of the Olympic spirit, as perceived by the “Gods” of knowledge, some 2,760 years ago.

Email Address: LNKazamias@aol.com